Welcome to Oshawa Dentist. We provide custom and quality dentures to clients at our in-house denture clinic in Oshawa. Our experienced team works directly with our clients to have a better understanding of your needs.
Everyday tasks such as eating, laughing, and smiling can make you feel extremely self-conscious if you are missing several teeth. It can also make tasks like chewing and speaking difficult.

Preparing for dentures doesn’t need to be a stressful or overwhelming process. By visiting our clinic in Oshawa you can determine the right type of dentures for you, begin the treatment process, and learn proper maintenance and care.
When visiting our denturist, you will receive a full examination that consists of x-rays and an evaluation of your jawbone. Our denturist will also take an impression of your gums. This is one of the most important steps of the entire process, as you want your dentures to fit properly.
Usually, a set of dentures require several appointments with the denturist to make sure everything fits and works just right.
If you are ready to change the way you eat, live, and smile, contact us at Oshawa Dentist. Our team can determine the right type of dentures for your needs and make you feel confident about your smile.